Uber for Getting Anything Delivered


There’s no better app like Postmates than… Postmates. Who needs the Chili’s To Go window when there’s Postmates? You place your order at a restaurant that typically doesn’t deliver and a Postmate picks it up and brings it to your house. The app handles other deliveries on-demand too, like when you’re out of Pepto because you wanted your baby-.

Uber For A Parking Space


If your kid was late to gymnastics because you couldn’t find a spot for the minivan again (or you’re just too scared to parallel park it), get Luxe. A personal valet shows up and takes your car, then returns it to you later. The real Uber doesn’t let you bring a car seat, so this is also a good family-friendly alternative when you’re carting the kids around. And during surge pricing.

Uber For Mailing and Shipping


Uber for Household Chores


Alfred matches you with a personal butler who’ll take care of all your grocery shopping, laundry folding and bathroom-cleaning needs. This doesn’t make you Batman, though.

Uber For Dog Walking


If your kid’s soccer game going into overtime means Lassie’s probably going to poop on the rug, Rover will help you line up a dog walker to let her out so you can stay through the penalty kicks. What is it, girl? You love on-demand apps?

Uber For Handymen


In addition to cleaning, on-demand app Handy (formerly Handybook) provides plumbing, electrical, moving, painting and minor carpentry services. Their website does not note how much butt crack these services will expose you to.

Uber For Groceries


Residents of San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Washington DC, Philadelphia and Los Angeles who are tired of hearing their NYC friends sing the praises of Fresh Direct can now rejoice. Everyone else has to move.

Uber For Doctors

Doctor On Demand

If you find that WebMD enables your inner hypochondriac, you’ll want to stay away from this service, which lets you video chat with real doctors to determine if that thing on your nose is melanoma or just a pimple.

Uber For Mechanics

Your Mechanic

These house-calling mechanics service over 700 cities and will come directly to your garage or parking spot with diagnostic tools and the parts to repair your car. Will they give you a lift to work? No — you’re thinking of Uber for Uber.

Uber For Babysitters


This is more like an Angie’s List for babysitters than an Uber, but at the end of the day someone shows up to look after your kids, so it’s Uber-ish.