Our Baby Registry Builder is not just an essential collection of parenting products (although that is very much part of it); it’s a guide for expecting parents trying to understand how their values and instincts will influence the way they raise their kid. A quiz asks readers to grapple with common parenting dilemmas. The answers provided group parents into parenting types based on Carl Jung’s famous 12 personality archetypes (we’re not just making stuff up) and lead to a preview of what parents can expect of themselves. And, because being an expecting parent is all about accumulating baby stuff, each parenting type comes with a list of gear suggestions well suited to the quiz-takers needs. The Optimist, for example, prefers practical and affordable items; The Snuggler leans toward products that keep kids close; The Traditionalist prefers established brands. To make matters more convenient, all the listed products are available at Target. Below is a cheat sheet of the 12 types of parents. Check them out here or, better yet, take the quiz yourself.

The Innovator

You realize that this is an amazing time to be a new parent. Never before has there been such a wealth of information available to caregivers — and you want all of it. You will search for insights and tips to ensure that you’re the most knowledgeable parent on the block. It’s a way to show you care… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Innovator here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Maverick

Some parents implement the heavily regimented feeding and sleeping schedules recommended in popular books about childrearing. Some parents join online chat rooms, attend meet-ups, and ask family members for advice. Some parents build consensus. Not you. You prefer solutions to advice. You find what works for you… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Maverick here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Snuggler

Your cup overfloweth. Your generosity is innate and boundless. Your love is never withheld. For you, proximity is a reward and staying in for the night is a perk of the job. You like to be comfortable and safe, and you will work hard to ensure that your child always feels that way… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Snuggler here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Maker

You believe and value work that is done with your hands, and you spend the lion’s share of your spare time creating. Some of what you make is good; some of it isn’t. You don’t care too much because you dig the process. But that sensibility is about to change. After you have a kid, you’ll want to craft things — furniture, pieces of art, photographs, music — that outlast you. Your kid will use them to remember you… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Maker here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Teacher

At some point in your upbringing you had an experience where a teacher or neighbor or friend shared their knowledge and sent you down a better path. That experience shaped you as a person and will continue to shape you as a parent… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Teacher here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Seeker

You are a thoroughly modern parent. You defy norms and see nothing wrong with embracing contradiction. You are thrilled to become a parent because you believe that having a child will help you unlock a fuller life and you are excited to tackle the challenges it will present. You want to make the world better by raising a good kid — and you will… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Seeker here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Adventurer

“Let’s go.” That’s been your motto as long as you’ve been on your own as an adult. As you enter this new phase, you still plan to approach every day as a grand adventure, one that will likely be even more interesting now that you have another person to see cool things with… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Adventurer here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Optimist

You believe that childhood is sacred: an incredibly special time, full of magic and discovery. You also believe it’s meant to be enjoyed freely. You’re not big into rules because they are joyless and largely unnecessary. Things tend to work out… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Optimist here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Entertainer

Parenting isn’t always a blast — there are many tedious stretches — but you know how to make them fun for yourself, your partner, and, more often than not, your kid by sparking laughter. Making people smile makes you smile and making your kid smile will make you feel deeply, deeply happy — even when the kid is rocking a dirty diaper… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Entertainer here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Protector

You have a strong, confident sense of self and are driven by a desire to make your mark on the world by doing good. You have grit and certitude. This has served you well thus far and will serve you well as a parent. As a parent, you believe that your primary role is to shepherd your little one safely through childhood. You’re less concerned about imprinting your own viewpoints on your child, which happens naturally and might not even be for the best, than you are about providing a sturdy framework, standing back, and letting your child thrive… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Protector here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Realist

You understand that the world is incredibly complex, and you think the easiest, least complicated answer to a problem is usually the right one. You think that trends and fads are fine… for other people. After the kid comes, you’ll be laser focused on making sure that your family life works. You will never talk about your parenting style. You’ll just parent… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Realist here, or take the quiz yourself.

The Traditionalist

You are the product of your parents and your parents’ parents — and you’re proud of it. Family is of the utmost importance to you, and you believe that those bonds are key to providing kids with a strong foundation on which to build their character… …Read the full description, and get the associated registry for The Traditionalist here, or take the quiz yourself.