At a time when self-cooking smart grills are all the rage, Italian grill/oven specialists Alfa 1977 are headed in a different direction. They’ve conjoined a stainless-steel grill with a wood-fired brick pizza oven ⏤ and they’ve thrown in a cook deck for a wok too. Because you shouldn’t have to choose between a grilled steak, steak stir-fry, or a coal-blistered pizza. You just shouldn’t. The 2-foot by 2-foot grill on the right burns wood or charcoal. Meanwhile, the 465-square inch oven on the left can hit temps of 930-degrees (as measured on the integrated thermometer), has a built-in smoke duct, and comes with a removable ceramic door. Underneath the Toto Grilloven, there are two large utility storage drawers. The Toto Grilloven rocks a sleek modern aesthetic and looks damn sexy in either yellow or gray. It costs $5,500, not including shipping and handling. Buy Now $5,500