The Boys Can Be Princesses, Too Project showcases a photo series of boys who also love to dress up as princesses. “I’m thrilled to introduce you to Princess Calvin, Princess Teddy, Princess Elias, and Princess Tobias,” photographer Kitty Wolf shares on Facebook. “May their joy and laughter shine throughout the world with these photos. Take a look at these beautiful photos of little boys playing princesses with their favorite fairy tale friends!” The photo series features little boys dressed up as popular Disney princess characters, posing with adult cosplayers wearing princess gowns, too. The images are full of joy and it’s essential that we allow our kids to experience the world without our own limitations placed on them. And that’s what this photo series aims to promote. “Society seems to have no problem when girls play as male superheroes, like Thor and Iron Man, but lots of people get offended to their very core if a boy wears a princess dress,” Wolf tells Red Tricycle. According to an interview with Parents, the series was inspired by the release of the controversial Gillette’s commercial that took a look at toxic masculinity. Wolf tells the digital magazine that she wanted to add to the conversation and address boys “being princess-shamed,” recalling a time where she met a young boy dressed up as Elsa at his birthday party having the time of his life, while also remembering another time she witnessed other kids make fun of another boy who was pretending to be a princess at school. “I could see it upset him. I told them we can all be whatever we want to be when we play, and they all continued playing nicely. That interaction sat with me for a long time though.” Looking through the images of these boys dressed up as princesses, there is so much joy in each photo. And the parents are thrilled with the results, too. “A child’s gender doesn’t dictate the toys they want to play with. Or the clothes they wear. Or their favorite colors. Or their emotional response to things,” Calvin’s mom shares with the project’s website. “Let’s celebrate kids for their kid-ness and let them be little!”