Here’s the real data on penis size, and it shows that having a 5-inch dick is very normal. Hopefully it makes men feel better. If not, we strongly recommend developing confidence in specific oral skills.

Average Size Is A 5-Inch Penis

Scientists long suspected that the average erect penis hovered around five inches in length, across nationalities and age groups. Then, in 2014 a team of British physicians all but proved it. They combined 17 studies involving of 15,521 men to determine the average penis size once and for all, and their results are below. Beyond these average figures, researchers also found that erect penis length tends to be nearly identical to the length of a flaccid penis held stretched out.

More Than Half Of Men Think Their Penis Is Average-Sized

Most men rate their penises as “average sized” and most women agree that their partners have average-sized penises, according to a 2006 study of more than 50,000 heterosexual men and women. Their self-reports are depicted, below. Interestingly, the researchers found a strong correlation between how men rated their penis sizes and how they rated their overall appearances. “ Self esteem might influence their estimate of penile size,” the authors note.

Women Are Basically Satisfied With Their Partners’ Penises

While that same study found that men were not content with their penis sizes (nearly half wished they were larger), but women were largely fine with it. Only 14 percent of women wished their partners had bigger penises, and 84 percent told researchers they wouldn’t change a thing. This final observation drives home a recurring message—there is a disconnect between what men and women want in a penis. Most men wish they were bigger; most women are glad they’re not.