So adding a new employer on top of having my first child was a real kick in the responsi-balls. It was hard enough keeping my screaming Tamagotchi of a son fed, as well as tending to my postpartum-afflicted wife, without the added pressure of trying to memorize an org chart. But that’s where I found myself — a new wife, new son, and a new job. But, as Dr. Ian Malcom once said, “Life finds a way.” Humans adapt. I have learned to sleep three hours a night, juggling tasks at work, providing comfort for my wife, and finding time to take care of my son. Do I sometimes wish I had remained a freelancer or had tried to become a stay-at-home-dad? Yes. I also wish I had found Chester Copperpot’s gold on a sunken pirate ship that one summer with my friends and never had to work again … but that’s The Goonies and not my life. Work-Life Balance is a myth. The reality is that parenting comes with hard choices. The inbox overflows. Career aspirations get pushed. The “To Do list” floats into the ether. I have a new To Do List and it involves keeping a freshly made human from constantly being covered in his own feces. But as you’ll see in the newest episode of Dude to Dad, it’s all worth it.