Who cares, right? Just lurk like the rest of us! Take a picture of a quiche and relax. You don’t get it. When you have a baby and become a Dude Turned Dad, you are also having an Instagram baby. Your parents, who can’t figure out how to unlock their phones, are suddenly hashtag-fluent. Your in-laws become J Jonah Jameson: “WHERE ARE THOSE PICTURES OF THAT BABY! AND SPIDERMAN!” Your wife takes a photo of the little dumpling next to a sandwich board and suddenly she’s getting triple digit likes. And you know you have to keep that gravy train going. So now, I spend a day every month taking photos of my son. We force him into an adorable onesie and try to get him to sit still. I pretend I know my way around a DSLR camera. And then we post and post and post. My son is cute and he’s a good sport. But somehow, my photos never get better. This month, I was done. I wanted to improve. I wanted to break the internet. So I did the only logical thing. I looked at some of the top celebrities with children and saw what they put on Instagram. Then I took a day off from work and copied them EXACTLY. Well… not exactly. I did my best, got props at the dollar store… and shot everything in my apartment. My son and I had a lot of fun… and I think I learned the secret to dominating the timeline. You can watch the behind-the-scenes video above to get a window into what it’s like to be an Insta star. The key to being a good Instagram Husband is pretty simple. Like everything in parenting it’s about showing up, putting in the effort, and trying to have a sense of humor. These pictures didn’t break the Internet, but they did make my wife laugh. And that’s the only “like” that matters.