The hit series from Dreamworks Animation (which airs on Netflix) stars the titular Gabby, as she shrinks herself down into a dollhouse populated by mostly cats. It’s the most high-energy and adorable kids’ show on Netflix. This season promises more dancing and even more of Rat-Cat’s antics than the previous two seasons. (Rat-Cat rules.) Recently, Fatherly chatted with Laila Lockhart (Gabby IRL) and she told us that she hopes to continue on the show for as long as possible and “maybe follow Gabby’s journey as she gets older and her character changes a bit.” For now, though, Season 3 is basically just brand-new episodes in the dollhouse and beyond! For parents with kids who are big fans, this fanciful distraction feels like an early Christmas present. Just don’t let your kids binge the new season all at once! Gotta try and make that Gabby magic last as long as possible. Gabby’s Dollhouse Seasons 1-2 are streaming now on Netflix. Season 3 hits Netflix on October 19, 2021.