Luis was originally deported back to Mexico in 1998 but he returned illegally to find work, eventually settling in Plant City. Over the subsequent two decades, Luis built a life for himself, including his family. Luis is the sole breadwinner for his wife and kids, which is why ICE had previously granted his humanitarian stay. But now, he is likely to be sent back to Mexico or could even end up prison since he had been deported before, depending on what ICE and Federal officials decide. Luis’ attorney, Daniela Hogue, referred to his client’s deportation as imminent, claiming that the reason Luis’ application was denied the Trump administration’s aggressive immigration policies. According to ICE officials, Luis does have a criminal history, though so far there has only been confirmation of him “driving with tinted windows and without a license.” While Luis was being arrested in the ICE Office, his wife and children were waiting for him outside and were understandably devastated when they discovered he had been detained. His oldest daughter Sonya said that with her father gone, she will now need to put off her plans to attend college in order to take care of her family. “How would you feel being ripped apart from your family?” asked Sonya Medrano. “We all came as immigrants to begin with. None of us were here.”