The big news in the newest trailer is that we get a lot more about what the movie will seemingly, actually be about: A full-on team-up between two Thors, Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster, and of course, Chris Hemsworth’s incumbent God of Thunder. Early on in the trailer, it seems like Thor is going to get back his old hammer (previously smashed by Cate Blanchett), but it’s snatched away by Jane at the last second. This is a classic rom-com meet-cute. Or in the case of Jane and Thor, a reunion, since they’ve been broken up since the end of Thor: The Dark World in 2013. So, do we know why Jane is suddenly a pseudo-god, swinging Thor’s hammer and no longer a scientist? Nope. Do we know if this is Thor’s last movie? Maybe? Does anything about this make sense yet? No! And that’s the way we like it. In fact, what makes this trailer so good, is simple: Unlike a lot of very entertaining and genuinely thrilling recent Marvel offerings — from Spider-Man: No Way Home to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the newest Thor trailer is great for a very different reason than those other projects. With this movie, the trailer makes it seem like all the complicated Marvel canon is less important than one question: Will Jane and Thor work it out? And if they don’t, will Thor be okay? Director Taika Waititi made Thor: Ragnorok into a superhero road trip movie, and with Thor: Love and Thunder, it’s clear he’s done something even better. This could be, the world’s very first superhero rom-com. And even if that’s not true of the entire movie, and the rom-com vibe we see in this trailer is like forty percent of the movie, it still has the potential to be the most interesting, and straight-up fun superhero movie in years. Thor: Love and Thunder hits theaters on July 8.