On Monday, May 18, the administration released its “Housing Supply Action Plan” which outlines the steps that will be taken to boost housing availability and lower costs for renters and homeowners. The plan highlights what will be done to produce more affordable units and more housing supply over the next five years. “When aligned with other policies to reduce housing costs and ensure affordability, such as rental assistance and down payment assistance, closing the gap will mean more affordable rents and more attainable homeownership for Americans in every community,” the White House said in an outline of the plan. Affordable housing has been an issue for a while. However, with the pandemic, mortgage rates, inflation, and supply-demand issues colliding, it’s become essentially impossible for anyone to enter the housing market. And people in the market can’t keep up with the costs of the mortgage loan interest rate increase that saw people owe 28 percent more for their payments. Plus, for the first time ever, the median home made more money for homeowners than their job – and that’s bad for everyone. To address these concerns, the Biden administration has outlined what steps they’re taking immediately, and what plans they have in the works to send to Congress. These include:

Reward jurisdictions that reform zoning and land-use policies: higher scores will be given for specific federal grand processesDevelop and launch new financing to preserve and build housing where there are financial gaps: This will include new manufactured housing, small multifamily buildings, and 2–4-unit properties.Improve on new and existing financing to include affordable options for multifamily options: This will include different loans, reforms to Low Income Housing Tac Credit, and the Home Investment Partnership program to use fund a larger range of housing activities.Ensure government-owned home supply will go where needed: To make sure the properties and supply of homes will go to people who will live in them or non-profits instead of large institutional investors.Address supply chain issues: Put focus on addressing the supply chain issues and improve building techniques to finish construction sooner.