But how can you watch all these Pixar movies before and after Toy Story 4? Where is everything streaming? We’re here to help. Here’s every single Pixar movie ever released, complete with where you can watch those movies online, including all the Toy Stories. To make things easy, the Pixar movies are organized by four groups: The Really Good Ones, The Decent Ones, The Ones You Haven’t Seen, and The Non-Classics.
The Really Good Ones (I.E. Toy Story movies and The Incredibles)
Though Pixar has a reputation for being amazing, not all Pixar movies are as popular as others. Here’s a totally biased grouping of the ones that are really good, and, coincidentally, are probably the most popular among kids. Incredibles 2 is on Netflix! YES!
The Decent Ones
These are the Pixar movies that are well-liked, but not beloved. That being said, they’re all worth another shot.
The Ones You Haven’t Seen
Coco is available on Netflix! It won the Oscar for Best Animated Movie last year!
The Non-Classics
Not all Pixar classics are classics at all. Here’s a brief guide to where to watch them anyway. In fairness, Owen Wilson is pretty funny in the Cars movies, they’re just not up to the brilliance of the big ones. Cars, Cars 2, and Cars 3 The Pixar Story This is a documentary about the making of Pixar. For the true-believers and those who want to inspire a career in animation in their children. It’s on Netflix. At this point, the only big Pixar movie missing from this list is obviously, Toy Story 4. That highly anticipated movie is out in theaters everywhere on June 21, 2019.