In an interview with Slate, Karamo’s two sons, Jason, 21, and Christian, 18, spoke about what it’s like being raised by “the guy who makes you cry,” including his ability to give emotional support for his sons and his unique disciplinary tactics. Jason and Christian said that their dad, who is known to get very vulnerable on Queer Eye, is every bit as caring with them as he is on the show. Jason described his dad as “literally the most supportive person I could probably have in my corner”. But while their dad is undoubtedly an emotionally mature guy, that doesn’t mean he’s afraid to step up when he feels either of his sons are in need of some tough love. Both Jason and Christian agreed that their dad was a “strict” parent. The boys recalled one time in particular when they were both suspended from school and Karamo made them do a workout right outside of the building. While his sons said it was “embarrassing,” they also noted that dad’s discipline ultimately helped. “A lot of kids think it’s bad when their parents are strict, but I think as a child, I needed that from my parents ⏤ or at least from my dad,” Christian explained. “It helped me create self-discipline, so I knew some things I can’t do and some things I can.” The two also explained that Karamo is careful with their social-media behavior ⏤ they weren’t allowed to join Facebook until high school ⏤ and he follows them on all of their platforms. Jason explained that these restrictions have increased with their dad’s growing celebrity presence. “Because as his career grows, he has fans who would follow us and he just wants to make sure that we’re going to be OK and that we can handle ourselves,” he said. Jason and Christian both gave credit to their dad for making them the men they are today, saying that his constant guidance and support helped them commit to improving themselves and the world around them. “I also get a sense of confidence from my dad too,” Jason said. “He literally gives me so much confidence to do anything.”