In a recent interview with Good Morning America, Ken Jennings admitted even he didn’t see Holzhauer’s unprecedented dominance coming. “For 15 years I have thought somebody was going to make a run at this record because I always knew it could be done. I was there. I saw it happen,” he said. “What I did not expect was somebody could make a run at the cash record in like a third the time.” While Jennings played a more “relaxed game”, Holzhauer has been known for his aggressive strategy, allowing him to earn money much quicker than previous winners. According to Jennings, the key to Holzhauer racking up cash at a record-pace has to do with his gambling background. “This is a guy who wants to maximize winnings every time he’s got the chance,” said Jennings. “That’s what he does for a living. He’s a gambler and he’s very comfortable with that. He’s playing his game perfectly.” Experts have Holzhauer projected to beat Jennings’ record by June 3 and to his credit, Jennings seems to have no ill will towards his record being broken. He has even tweeted out his support over the weekend after Holzhauer passed $2 million of winnings from Jeopardy! Holzhauer’s incredible gameplay has also managed to impress longtime Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek, who told Good Morning America that he seems to have “no weaknesses.” “He has forced me to change a view that I’ve had for many years … that the Ken Jennings record will never be broken,” Trebek said.