On February 20th, Heather M. Nicholson shared a story on Facebook, and it quickly went viral. It has everything one would need to hit the masses: a funny story, a fail that is really cringy, oh and a thong. Nicholson began her post by explaining that she had picked her son, Hunter, up from school, and he had a story about something that happened in class that day. “Momma, something funny happened today,” Hunter said, according to Nicholson. She asked her son to share the story with her saying, “Oh yeah, what’s that,” but nothing could prepare her for where it went from there. Her son reached down and pulled something out of the bottom of his pant leg. “I found this during music class!” Hunter said. The “this” was a black silky thong. It was Nicholson’s thong that had stuck to her son’s pants in the laundry thanks to our good friend, static cling. “He said he panicked and just shoved it back up there and left it all day because he thought I would want it back!” she wrote in the Facebook post. “Then he said he kept pretending to tie his shoe all day to shove them back up his pant leg.” She pretty much lost it; she wasn’t prepared for her son’s story to go in that direction. “After I caught my breath, I snatched them back and said ‘THANKS, SON!’” she said. “I mean, if you don’t save your moms thong, are you even a mommas boy?” Another unsuspected victim of static cling!