The Kinder app uses an enormous set of baby names and all parents have to do is insert the last name and gender of the baby. From there the app generates thousands of potential names. If the parents like one name they can swipe right on it, and they can left swipe the ones they don’t like. Moreover, the parents don’t even have to be in the same room to do it. Users can each share and compare prospective names from anywhere as long as they have the app. What’s also pretty neat is that the names come from a variety of cultures and regions around the world, so rest assured there will be a handful of different spelling options and pronunciations for any name you can probably think of and about a million that you can’t. Just like online dating, you’ll probably see a lot more of what you don’t want than what you do, but that’s just the virtue of having a lot of options. Chances are, even if you don’t find the perfect match, you’ll know way more about what you’re looking for after trying it out.