Created by Craig McCracken, the animated version of The Powerpuff Girls ran on Cartoon Network from 1998 to 2005 and spawned a feature film, The Powerpuff Girls Movie, released in 2002. The show and movie followed Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, superpowered young sisters – created by their dad in a laboratory — who tried to live a normal life while protecting their beloved Townsville from monsters and mayhem. Parents at home appreciated the cartoon’s smart characters and girl-power vibes, and it seemed to appeal equally to girls and boys. According to the Hollywood trade paper Variety, “In the updated version of the series, the titular superheroes are now disillusioned twentysomethings who resent having lost their childhood to crime-fighting. Will they agree to reunite now that the world needs them more than ever?”While it sounds like the upcoming show may veer away from its animated predecessor’s fun, funny, upbeat, and fast-paced nature, we’ve got confidence in the team crafting the reboot. Heather Regnier (iZombie) and Diablo Cody are the show’s writer-producers. Oscar-winner Cody earned a Tony nomination for the Broadway production of Jagged Little Pill, which featured Yana Perrault as one of its swing performers. Also among the producers of The Powerpuff Girls is Greg Berlanti, master of the CW’s Arrowverse.No word yet on when production will begin or a premiere date, but keep an eye on Fatherly for details!