Vasquez, who attends Two Bunch Palms primary school in California, needed hospital treatment after being brutalized but “felt it in his soul not to hit the kid back,” his mom explained. This is the second time bullies sent Vasquez to the hospital to get stitches. Vasquez’s level of restraint in the face of violence inspired by his admiration of the Star Wars movies caught the attention of Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy and 2017’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi. “I’m astonished by his wisdom and courage [at] such a tender age,” Hamill tweeted. In the Star Wars universe, Jedis are a part of an ancient order that abhor violence and instead seek knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of others. Peace is their highest ideal, and not raising a hand against his attackers, Vasquez felt, was in line with the Jedi’s philosophy of non-violence. “I may be a fictional Jedi, but this boy is the real deal,” the actor’s tweet continued, “I hope he sees this message and knows how much I admire him.” In response to the bullying happening at in his school, Two Bunch Palms headteacher Joseph Scudder said there will be an investigation into the violence. In a statement to Palm Springs Desert Sun Scudder said, “We wanted to reassure our families that the safety of our students is our number one priority.” Vasquez’s mom plans to press charges. But no matter what happens, it’s clear Aiden is the smartest, kindest kid in the galaxy.