On November 10, Paul was given the title of “sexiest man”, and he was shocked while the rest of the world was pleasantly surprised. “I do have an awareness, enough to know that when people hear that I’d be picked for this, they would say, ‘What?’ ” he said in an interview with People. “This is not false humility. There are so many people that should get this before me.” While he’s joining the ranks of many actors and musicians in the past, for Paul, he’s still about being a dad. “When I think about myself, I think of myself as a husband and a father, like I’m that,” Paul said, who has been married to his wife for 18 years and their kids Jack, 17, and Darby, 12. “I just hang out with my family when I’m not working. That’s what I kind of like the most.” Paul said that with the news out now, he’s expecting his friends to tease him a little bit. And he’s already ready for it. “I mean I’m going to lean into it hard. I’m going to own this,” he said. And he laid on the dad charm and plans to fully embrace his title in the most dad way ever. “I’m not going to try to be like ‘Oh, I’m so modest.’ I’m getting business cards made. But all of my friends will destroy me, and I expect them to. And that’s why they’re my friends.” The news has been overwhelmingly positive on social media because Paul can do no wrong. We know it’s going to be a fun year of Paul Rudd’s expert-level dad jokes. Also, we kinda hope he does make those business cards.