According to The Sun, an unnamed woman was walking her dog through a park a few years ago and she came Prince George and Princess Charlotte who were playing in a stream outside the home of their grandma, Carole Middleton, in Buckleberry, Berkshire. George would have been around five years old at the time. “I was asked by a police minder not to take a photo of the children, which I didn’t, but George started stroking my dog,” she said. “Just to be friendly I engaged in a bit of small talk, and I asked George what his name was, even though obviously I knew it.” The woman said that George answered her, but she didn’t expect he would say what he did. “To my astonishment, he said ‘I’m called Archie’ with a big smile on his face,” she explained. “I don’t know why he calls himself Archie but kids often play with their names and I think it’s lovely.” Now, we all know that George has a cousin named Archie, son of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. But funny enough, this encounter is said to have happened before Archie was born in 2019, which makes it even more interesting. Did Prince George predict Archie? Probably not because kids are just weird like this. But it’s an adorable story that hints at how fun George’s personality is. According to The Mirror, George’s parents Prince William and Kate Middleton call George all kinds of nicknames like PG or Tips.