Amid this chaos, people on various social media platforms have turned to the only true hero who can see us through this counting kerfuffle: Count von Count, the purple-skinned numbers-obsessed muppet from Sesame Street. As the 2020 election vote-counting became tenser and tenser, several memes have hit Twitter and other social media reminding everyone that it’s time to listen to the Count. Perhaps the best of these memes is the one in which Donald Trump appears to insist on stopping ballot counting and the Count stares back as if to say, no, I will continue to count. Elsewhere, people are just reminding us that the Count is the best and he should be the hero of all elections. And then, of course, there’s this homage to the famous Sheperd Fairy Obama-Hope poster, but this time the Count is flipping the bird and urging those who would like to stop the counting, that it is, in fact, time to count. The election seems far from over, but if you wanted to watch some great Count segments on Sesame Street with your kids right now, it’s not the worst idea. After all, Math and patience are a part of how democracy works.