It’s at least partly due to biology. Men usually have larger upper airways and lower hanging larynxes, which creates a large space in the back of the throat for amplifying snores. “Upper airway anatomy may contribute to the increased prevalence of snoring in men,” says Ellen Wermter, a nurse practitioner at Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine. About 40% of adult men are habitual snorers, compared to only 24% of women, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. As a rule, what causes snoring is the size and position of the airway. When you fall asleep, the muscles in your pharynx relax and your tongue falls back to fill this gap. The larger that gap, the louder — and more likely — the snore. Men’s airways also tend to change more drastically than women’s when they transition from sitting up to lying down, which further increases their risk of snoring while prone. And it doesn’t help that men tend to carry their weight in their chest, neck, and thorax, meaning they have thicker necks with more soft tissue and fat deposits placing pressure on their airways. That’s both why you snore more and why puka shell necklaces never felt right in the ’90s. Noah Siegel, M.D., a physician and sleep specialist at Harvard Medical School, agrees with these theories in principle, but clarifies that some women have larger airways and fatter necks than some men. Women are also at lower risk for sleep apnea, he adds, but their risk increases dramatically when they hit menopause. This may be because “estrogen and progesterone provide some protection relative to snoring and sleep apnea,” says Siegel. Now just because you’re not totally responsible for your obnoxious snoring doesn’t mean you can’t try to minimize it. Getting rid of that dad bod is the most effective way to do so. That means you need to get familiar with effective weight loss exercises and probably modify your diet. Studies suggest drinking lots of water as well as quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol, and using allergen-free bedding can help too. Rolling over in your sleep can also do wonders. Meanwhile, if you’re a new father, you can at least take some comfort in those sleepless nights and midnight diaper changes. It’s not like your low-hanging larynx was going to let you sleep anyway.