Fat Dudes Are Thought to Be Funnier

A substantial amount of evidence shows that women are more attracted to men who can make them laugh. (In line with everything wrong with the world, it doesn’t work the other way around.) Although all fat men aren’t necessarily funny, pop culture has socialized most people to believe that fat equals funny, unless proven otherwise. So whether or not those extra pounds translate to a sense of humor, women are likely to assume that fat guys are funny.

Love Handles Can Handle Longer Lovemaking

Chubby guys are better in bed, according to a survey of 2,544 British women. Thirty-eight percent reported that overweight or plus-size men were superior lovers. It’s not totally clear why extra cushion improves the pushin’, but research suggests stamina might have something to do with it. Men with noticeable bellies and higher BMIs last 7.3 minutes longer in bed than slimmer men, a 2010 study from the International Journal of Impotence Research found. Hey, that’s 7.3 fewer minutes needed in the gym.

Fat Guys Are Considered Trustworthy

The saying “never trust a skinny chef” may have less to do with food than people think, according to research from the University of Missouri. This study found that skinny politicians are less trustworthy compared to their husky counterparts. These findings make a solid case for Democratic presidential candidates eating more carbs, and this may be why women are into fat guys. Sure, trustworthiness isn’t exactly the same thing as attractiveness. But it definitely adds to the appeal of chubby men.

Attractive Fat Men Are a Product of Evolution

“Those who could store fat easily had an evolutionary advantage in the harsh environment of early hunters and gatherers,” Garabed Eknoyan, M.D., of the Baylor College of Medicine wrote in a 2006 paper. “This ability to store surplus fat from the least possible amount of food intake may have made the difference between life and death.” Indeed, in early human history, being husky was a status symbol: It meant you had the resources to survive, and you could share with a spouse. Being a fat guy indicated you were well off. Although modern women are more likely to be attracted to money than food, old habits die hard. It’s possible, Eknoyan writes, that traces of this instinctual attraction for fat guys linger, even when it doesn’t come with a mansion.

Everyone Looks Thin Next to a Fat Guy

Let’s face it. For every study that says men (chubby ones in particular) aren’t judged for their bodies, there are another 10 that say women are positively flayed for theirs. Partnering with a huskier man who’s not obsessed with his body might make a woman feel more secure about her own. This, of course, on top of the literal comfort of cuddling with a chubby man’s cozier bod. There’s just more to love on a fat guy.

Top 5 Male Body Shapes Women Rate in the Bedroom

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Like ‘Overweight / Plus-Size Men’ Between the Sheets

Why Women Love Fat Guys: The Bottom Line

If a partner makes you look good, is trustworthy, great in bed, and is funny, what’s not to love? Chubby men have plenty of science-backed reasons to be optimistic about their dating prospects. Now, go on, get out there.